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Your last drug use is the most significant

4 November 2022

To determine your chances of fooling the drug tests, it would be important to determine when you last used drugs and stop immediately if you don’t.

Most drug tests are done on urine samples. Research and experience show that beyond four days, it is often difficult to find significant traces in urine. On the other hand, traces can be found in hair, for example, for up to 100 days. You would be wise to ensure that you thoroughly clean your hair and scalp with the right shampoo.

If you need to be tested, the first thing you should do is stop using drugs immediately. You can then start drinking excessive amounts of water on a regular basis, several liters a day.

You can choose the best course of treatment for you immediately and start as soon as you receive your detox kit. Ideally, you should always have a kit on hand so that you can react as soon as your test is announced or anticipated.

Factors that influence the level of intoxication

The duration of the effect of drugs and alcohol on the body varies considerably. For example, the euphoria caused by cocaine lasts 15 to 30 minutes, but detectable traces may remain in the body longer. The effect of LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide) lasts from 6 to 12 hours. The effects of alcohol can vary. For example, it takes an adult male up to 7 hours to metabolize alcohol until his body returns to a zero blood alcohol level. After consumption, alcohol can be detected in breath and blood for up to 24 hours, and in urine for up to 80 hours.

Testing methods vary depending on how long a substance remains in the body after its effects have worn off. Some drugs remain in the body for only a few days, while others last for months.

Some factors that determine how long a drug stays in the body/system are :

  • The amount of the toxin used
  • The frequency of use
  • Your level of hydration
  • Your general health
  • Your BMI, i.e. your % of body fat
  • Your physical activity
  • The medications you are taking

You can help yourself by reducing or eliminating toxins, hydrating excessively, exercising to get the most out of your body and avoiding fat during your treatment. Favour green vegetables and fruits.